Working With Stored Procedures in Drupal

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Working With Stored Procedures in Drupal can be a bit tricky. Here is a quick example of how to do it.


// We don't use execute(), we directly run fetchAssoc() to get an associative array or fetchObject() to get a an object
  $sp = Database::getConnection()->query("EXECUTE DRU.SP_NAME", $options)->fetchAssoc();

// $sp = Database::getConnection()->query("EXECUTE DRU.SP_NAME", $options)->fetchObject();

// Return it via the render array
  return [
    '#sp' => $sp,

We need to use hook_theme() to tell Drupal about the twig file and the variable we're passing to it.

function HOOK_theme(){
    return [
    'variables' => [
      '#sp' => $sp,
// The data is passed from the controller to the twig file via the render array
// Since it's an associative array, we need the key and value
{% for key,value in sp %}
    Key :
    {{ key }}
    Value :
    {{ value }}
{% endfor %}